Saturday, December 13, 2008

We interupt your regularly scheduled programing...

I thought I might give Dave a breather, and cut in with a quick non sequitur. Just a shout-out to the best city in the world -- the city that Dave and I love and will raise our child in -- Austin, Texas. I have her loved from the first time I drove down her sometimes strangely pronounced streets. I love her for being a artist attractor. I love her for allowing people to do their thing, without judgement. I love her, even though she seems to have grown a whole new culture, based around expensive condos and a big city mentality. I love her for her undeniable Texas-ness, for her cowboy boots and breakfast tacos and her hint of a drawl. I love her for the Austin Banjo Band, who just had a show at the Farmers Market this morning:

I'm sure there are a ton of Banjo Bands out in the world. Or maybe not. All I know is, some sunny Saturday morning in the not so distant future, my little girl will have the chance to rock out to 10 to 15 banjos and one bitchin tuba. It makes me so excited to be a mom to be, and so happy to live in Austin, that I just had to let the interweb know all about it.

1 comment:

Abi Tapia said...

Whah! You make me really, really sad to be moving away! Don't say things like this.

Yes, we've got some catching up to do. :)