Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Laziest Girl Officially Out! And did I mention we're on tour?

Hey Everyone! Yesterday, my new record "The Laziest Girl in Town" officially came out. Which means it's actually available for sale. Which is very cool. At least we all think so! You can buy copies here and here.

Someone commented the other day that releasing a record is like having another baby. And it's true. You spend so much time and care crafting and creating, and it's all very personal. And then one day you release your creation into the world, and you have no idea what the future holds. All you know is that you love what you've created.

In other news, were on the road once again. Last night's gig in Chico, CA was fabulous, as always! I love Chico. It has a real Austin vibe to me. And the people like to have a good time. Is there anything more gratifying than watching a room full of people dance?

We're out with one of Dave's best friends from high school Will Richter. He's our Manny, and Lisel's instant best friend. Look at the two of them!

Peas in a pod I tell you.

Today, we take San Francisco! Yippee!

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