Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nashville cats

Been playing since they was babies

Yesterday, Asleep at the Wheel was awarded the Lifetime Acheivement Award for performing at the Americana Music Awards. The whole family was there, and needless to say, it was a big day.

It started off with an early morning rehearsal at the Ryman. Dave and I had missed the memo, so we were a little surprised to get a call from our road manager Jim at 7:30am, asking us if we were going to take the bus to rehearsal at 7:45am. Luckily, we have a baby alarm clock and were up anyway.

It was Lisel's first time at the mother church of country music. She thought it was cool. And she was even on the backstage list!

We had to take some family snaps.

Later that day, while hanging out with our friends David and Zeke, we stopped by and introduced Lisel to Manuel.

Then we got all dressed up and went to the awards show. I wore the dress I bought for Desaray and Lauren's wedding--the one that I missed. Lisel wore a lovely dress given to her by Ray's sister, Sandy.

Tomorrow, I'll tell you all about our adentures at the award show. It's a tale of stand up friends and parental miscalculation. Oh, and I can officially add backstage at the Ryman to the list of places I have nursed.

Post From My iPhone

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