Monday, February 8, 2010

My Dress at the Grammys, A poem

It started at as little tear
Right below the zipper
We fixed it with a safety pin
And it looked no less hipper
And then during pre-telecast I felt a little ripper
So I hurried to the bathroom fast
Sent a "help me" text and Blast!
My mom and little sister
Were there with sewing kit and all
I undressed in the bathroom stall
While mom sewed up my blue dress
Then I was chipper

Then to the telecast we went
Gaga and Elton
Beyonce Pink
Black Eyed peas
The drummer from Blink (187)
Ovations came and went and came
Stand up sit down stand up
Down and up and down and then
I felt my backside
And felt my heart slide
Because the rip had growed and growed
But what the hell I had my coat!
We laughed about it then
We laugh about it now and sigh
Just take a look, and you'll see why

A big old rip and a little heartbreak
Does a funny story make

Joke note...
When I said "Ack! And I'm wearing my Granny panties!" (a polka dot of which you can see in the photo) Lynn replied...
"You should have worn your Grammy panties!"

-- Post From My iPhone


Joanna said...

Love this. Thanks for sharing!

Katherine said...

LOL! Best blog post ever. Lynn and I both think so.