Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SXSW -- a free song

So some of you were at SXSW.  Some of your weren't. Some of you came out to see the band play on Wednesday at Guero's  (Thank y'all!  That was son much fun!). Some of y'all couldn't make it.

But everyone gets to hear a little slice of SXSW!  Much to my delight our Guero's gig was recorded.  And here's a song for you.  It's a live version of Gone Solid Gone, one the songs from the new record. Dave wrote the words, I wrote the melody.  We like to get all collaborative you know!

And also, click on through to hear some of the actual cuts from the new record!  I think you'll like them.


I think I'll keep the song up for a week or so.  And I'm interested. Would anyone like to download it? Right now it's just set for streaming. But I could change that with a click.


Charlie said...

most def, EM...LOVE THIS!

EMQ said...

Thanks Charlie!