Wednesday, August 4, 2010

We now interrupt your regularly scheduled travelogue...

...To bring you some good news. Tickets for "A Ride With Bob"  September 17 and 18 at the Long Center in Austin go on sale TODAY.

You definitely do not want to miss this exciting opportunity to see Jason Roberts as Bob Wills. Ray Benson as Himself! Dave Sanger as hilarious dancing station manager and me, Elizabeth McQueen as Minnie Pearl.

I do a damn fine How-deee! If I do say so myself.

So what are you waiting for!  Get your tix now!

1 comment:

Bruce James said...

I saw Minnie at the Opry before she died. She had a really great line. Her cousin went into the city and got himself a coat with two pairs of pants. She asked him, "how you like your new coat and two pairs of pants." "I like them fine, but it gets awfully hot wearing two pairs of pants."