I read a fair amount of blogs, many of them about parenting, some of them about traveling with kids. Though most folks don't travel exactly the same way, or for exactly the sane reasons as we do, there are quite a few families out there who are hitting the highways and byways of the world.
One blog I've particularly enjoyed is "It's a Small World After All" about a British family with three kids who took a trip around the world. With three kids. For nine months.
Did I mention they have three kids.
Their adventure makes our traveling seem like a bunch of day trips to the Round Rock Ikea.
They're back home now, and I just read a post that really resonated with me. It's about the constant anxiety that one feels when traveling with kids, especially when they're yours. I hardly ever write about my fears out here. Strike that -- I write a lot about my fears, but there are certain areas that I stay firmly away from, lest my writing about them should provoke the fates and bring on the very result I worry about.
I can't even bring myself to write about them now.
I'm not above magical thinking.
But this post really sums up what I feel at a very low level all the time while we're on our adventures. I understand why Victoria waited until she was home to write this post. Perhaps she's not above magical thinking either.
How about you? Does travel provoke this kind of anxiety for you? Got any tips on dealing with it?
One blog I've particularly enjoyed is "It's a Small World After All" about a British family with three kids who took a trip around the world. With three kids. For nine months.
Did I mention they have three kids.
Their adventure makes our traveling seem like a bunch of day trips to the Round Rock Ikea.
They're back home now, and I just read a post that really resonated with me. It's about the constant anxiety that one feels when traveling with kids, especially when they're yours. I hardly ever write about my fears out here. Strike that -- I write a lot about my fears, but there are certain areas that I stay firmly away from, lest my writing about them should provoke the fates and bring on the very result I worry about.
I can't even bring myself to write about them now.
I'm not above magical thinking.
But this post really sums up what I feel at a very low level all the time while we're on our adventures. I understand why Victoria waited until she was home to write this post. Perhaps she's not above magical thinking either.
How about you? Does travel provoke this kind of anxiety for you? Got any tips on dealing with it?
steDear girl, It's because you want everything to go perfectly (subconciously) and there are so many things that can go wrong. But wait, it's not "wrong", it's what will happen all the time. The best planning in the world only makes you crazy because when it inevitably breaks down, you feel like you've lost the game. If you think about it, it's like when the quarterback calls the play, but then the pocket dissolves and he has to figure out another on the fly. Tell that to your hubby. Just know that having that baby with you is all it wants, your love when you can get to it. All mamas and daddies have different agendas, jobs, etc. Just so long as you have an HEB around, you can get anything you forgot! You take care, Claire
Sometimes I think it's a parent's only job to worry - the trick is to not get psychotic about it. My baby is 20 & living in San Francisco, over 1,000 miles away. I mostly don't worry about muggings, earthquakes & tsunamis - some days it takes more effort than others. All we can do as parents is try to be prepared, and be there when our kids need us.
i just got my niece's hands off the computer, and yeah sure hes getting me into anxiety attacks again! lol.. i agree babies can cause anxiety.
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