Friday, December 2, 2011

Bastrop Fires -- a Documentary by Lindsay Greene

Remember this summer, when fires engulfed Central Texas? During that time fellow musician and recent Bastrop transplant Robert Kraft decided to put his cell phone to good use and film his experience with the fires.  And our very own Lindsay Greene edited the footage together. He returned to his property after the evacuation, in order to save what he could. What happens is pretty heavy. I won't ruin it for you, but I will say you should totally watch it. And I'll also remind you that people in Bastrop still need some help, and if you have a little extra time and money, you can donate here.


Joanna said...

Thanks for sharing. Never occurs to me to shoot video so I don't have any from my folks' place. Lots of still photos, though. They just break your heart.

EMQ said...

It is a total heartbreak. Total and complete.