Friday, April 13, 2012

Internet Rabbit Hole -- Robyn Edition

I'm starting a new feature on the blog called Internet Rabbit Hole. Being a busy working mom whose obsessed with getting enough sleep, I don't often spend my time falling down Internet rabbit holes -- the clicking of connected links and YouTube videos and blogposts and tumblrs know, the sometimes rewarding, always seriously time consuming exploration of a meme on the interweb.

But I every once in a while, I do, and sometimes what I find blows my mind. And when it does, I'd like to share it.

So here we go.


While catching up on White Lightning, I read her rave review of Robyn's satorial choices and performance of "Call Your Girlfriend" on SNL

It was really quite good. And she mentioned that an SNL writer had done a spot on remake of the video for the song. So I first watched the video

And she was right. He really did give it his all.

But also on YouTube I found a very sweet acapella cover of the song done by three girls and their yogurt containers, which I actually like just as much as the original, but in a different way.

And then a cover of the cover done by triplets in striped shirts

And then another cover done by some weird dudes.

And then a cover done by a woman and her phone that kind of freaked me out.

At which point I had to put the iPhone down and return to reality.

Have you found anything good during your trips down the rabbit hole lately?

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