Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday Tuneage -- "More Songs of Route 66, From Here to There"

So, In my attempt to keep blogging regularly, I'm going to try to institute weekly features...Tuesday Tuneage is the Tuesday part, followed by Wee One Wednesdays and the on Friday, the Internet Rabbit Hole. Wish Me Luck!

This Tuesday, my featured track is "Be Thankful For What You Got" sung by the glorious Emily Gimble (granddaughter of legendary fiddler Johnny Gimble.) It's the first track on my amazingly talented husband's newest project, "Even More Songs of Route 66, from Here to There."  It's the third installment in his Route 66 series, and in addition to Emily's song, you can hear tracks from yours truly, Dale Watson, Jason Roberts, Claire Small, Carolyn Wonderland, Band of Heathens, Mike Barfield, Seth Walker, Slaid Cleaves, Matt the Electrician and Bruce Hughes.

It's a really good record. If you want, you can check out the Band Camp page. Take a listen, and then download the record! You can also find it on Amazon and iTunes.

Happy listening!


Anonymous said...

well..thank ya..and if ya don't go fishin' ya won't catch anything.

david said...

great song, great version. Thanks for talking about it.